Prioritizing Advanced Training at Masters and Doctoral levels

Facilitating high-level education on cell & molecular biology of tropical diseases through short courses, MPhil, PhD and Postdoctoral programmes.


Building a Global Biomedical Research Ecosystem.

Developing a leading centre of excellence anchored within a partnership with World-Class research Institutions and funding organisations Worldwide.


Creating Sustainable Spaces for Cross-Generational Mentorship.

Channeling Efforts Towards Building the Infrastructure and the Partnerships that drive the Scientific Innovations of the Future.


Our COVID-19 Response

Addressing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic through scientific research.


Our Story

In response to the World Bank’s call for proposals for African Centres of Excellence, the University of Ghana proposed the establishment of the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP) at Legon.
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Innovative Research

We aim to conduct cutting-edge research to guide the development of new approaches to disease diagnosis, prevention, & control. Having established a world-class scientific research environment with wide-ranging technology platforms, the Centre is now optimised to conduct high-quality research into an expanded range of infectious & non-communicable diseases.


World-Class Training

WACCBIP has positioned itself as a major hub for training young African scientists. Since 2014, the Centre has provided fellowships for master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral training to more than 200 young scientists from more than 10 countries across the African continent. The Centre also provides opportunities for career development to industry professionals through short courses. 



Global Engagement

With strong commitment to the principles of impactful scientific citizenship, we place high premium on public & community engagement with numerous initiatives that seek to bring our Science closer to the people we do it for. Our initiatives, which have received global recognition, also provide the opportunity to deliver potentially life-saving information on disease prevention and treatment.



Training the next generation of biomedical scientists
and fostering world-class research excellence.


WACCBIP Featured

WACCBIP PhD Student shares  EMBL-UNESCO Fellowship experience 

#Press #Collaborations #Fellowships  

Maame Ekua Acquah's research focuses on the host-viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus which causes COVID-19), with particular emphasis on rural and urban communities in Ghana. She wants to understand how the virus may differently affect these groups at the molecular level.

Through her EMBL-UNESCO Residency Programme in the Kowalinski group at EMBL Grenoble, she has gained complementary skills and expertise in biochemistry and structural biology, working on protein-protein interactions.

"I had the opportunity to learn so much and also obtain skills that I can use for my PhD. I have filled up my knowledge bank with so many techniques that I can share upon my return to Ghana. Though the weather was cold, the people were warm and I am exceptionally grateful for such a life-changing opportunity."

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